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We have decided to discontinue the & projects. You can still get the source code under GPL as always, and we have put the latest binary on GitHub for free. What happened?

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Getting Started With

First, download the which corresponds to your OS, then unzip the file. Next, proceed to the section below for your OS.


You will get a folder containing all the files. You can put this folder anywhere you want. Run Compass-app.exe and you'll see a little gray icon appear in the Windows notification area.


Mac OS

You will get a file named You can put it anywhere you want. Start the app and you'll see a little gray icon appear in the menubar.

Mac OS


You will get a folder containing all the files. You can put this folder anywhere you want. Execute and you'll see a little gray icon appear in the menubar.


NOTE: is written in Java, so it will take a few seconds to start.

Creating Compass Projects

To create a compass project, click the icon and choose "Create Compass Project" -> "compass" -> "project". Give your new project a name and save it.

dialog window

A dialog window will appear saying your project has been created. Also, the icon turns orange, which means is "watching" your project. Now you can use your favorite editor to start coding. When you change a Sass file, it automatically compiles into a corresponding CSS file.

The project folder should look like this:

project folder

  - sass/
    - screen.scss
    - ...
  - stylesheets/
    - ...
  - .sass-cache/   // The hidden sass cache folder. Do not touch.
  - config.rb      // Compass settings. Do not remove.


There are several settings in the preferences as follows.



  • Preferred Syntax: Sass has two syntax choices: SCSS (.scss) and indented syntax (.sass). supports both, but you must choose which one you want for generating files from templates.

  • Compass Version: always uses the latest stable release of Compass by default. If you want to use other Sass/Compass versions, or use RubyGems to manage Compass extensions manually, please use the "Custom" option. WARNING: This is for advanced users only.


Notification supports Growl. You can decide which types of notifications you want. can also generate a log file for debugging purposes.



Enable Web Server: If you have enabled this option, will start a tiny web server (WEBrick) from your project path. You can instantly check your design by opening http://localhost:24680 in your browser. You can also modify the default port.

Enable LiveReload: 1.2+ has built-in LiveReload support, so you can stop refreshing your browser manually. Browser extensions must be installed to make this work. If you have enabled both web server and livereload, you can even use the livereload-js feature. (Our thanks to @livereload for the MIT License.) We also recommend LiveReload 2.

If you do not want to install browser extensions, you can use livereload-js by pasting this code into your HTML:

<script>document.write('<script src="http://'
+ ( || 'localhost').split(':')[0]
+ ':35729/livereload.js?snipver=1"></'
+ 'script>')</script>

Then LiveReload will work automatically.



Click the "Clear History" button to destroy the history list.


You can change the options of your output CSS for any project being "watched". Select your preferred output type or add "line comments"/"debug info" inside the CSS file.

Other Settings

There are some more settings you might want to change but are not found in "Preferences" or "Options". Two common situations are shown below:

Changing The Default Folder Name

The defalut ouput CSS file is saved to a folder named "stylesheet." If you want to change the folder's name, open the config.rb file and edit this line:

css_dir = "stylesheets"

Modify the name to what you want, like this:

css_dir = "css"

After save, stop watching and watch the project again then the css folder's name will be changed.

If you want to use some Compass helper related to image-url() but your image folder isn't named "images", you have to modify this line:

images_dir = "images"

to correspond to your image folder name.

Changing Absolute Path To Relative Path

By default, if you use a Compass helper related to image-url(), generates an absolute path in your CSS file. To change the default setting to a relative path, paste this into your config.rb:

relative_assets = true

Be sure to stop watching and watch the project again after modifying "config.rb".

If you want to use your current settings with another project, copy config.rb to the other project's folder.

Using With Existing Projects

If you want to use to edit css in an existing project that was not created with, just make sure the project folder contains:

  • sass folder: must have at least one .scss or .sass file
  • config.rb: copy from another compass project, be sure to check the settings are what you want

then you can watch the project folder.

NOTE: If you just want to use default settings to compile Sass files, you can use in Sass Mode without copying config.rb.

It is best to rewrite your original CSS files, however, because SCSS is a superset of CSS3's syntax, you may simply rename your original css files with the filename extension .scss or use @import in your SCSS files.

SASS & Compass References

With you can easily use Sass and Compass. If you need to know more details about them, check the links below:
